
We offer 2 versions of an advanced tool management system to ensure a constant supply of tools.

Version 1 – Software
Our TMS software provides an easy way to manage MPK tool stocks in your company. This is the first step towards rationalising your in-house tool supply.
The MPK Kemmer GmbH PCB tool check system automatically monitors current tool stocks online and initiates prompt replenishment.

Version 2 – Tool Dispenser + Software
Supported by our tool management software, the MPK Kemmer Tool Dispenser offers all the benefits of a modern tool dispensing system. The handling is as simple as it is convincing.

Benefits of the MPK Kemmer Tool Dispenser
No machine downtime due to lack of available tools
No tied up capital – only pay for tools issued
Reduced costs for storage, planning and purchasing
Permanent overview of current stock
One software system for up to eight tool dispensers
Management of new and resharpened tools